2-Methyl-2-Propanol (Reag. USP, Ph. Eur.) for analysis, ACS 1000ml

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Name2-Methyl-2-Propanol (Reag. USP, Ph. Eur.) for analysis, ACS 1000ml
Molecular formula:  (CH3)3COH
CAS: 75-65-0
EC: 200-889-7
Synonyms: tert-Butyl alcohol, tert-Butanol, Trimethylcarbinol
Molar mass: 74.12 g/mol
Brand: PanReac

  • Physical state: Liquid
  • Colour: Colourless
  • Melting point/Freezing point: 26ºC
  • Boiling point or initial boiling point and boiling range: 83ºC
  • Upper and lower explosive limit: Lower: 2,4 Vol% Upper: 8 Vol%
  • Flash point: 15ºC
  • Dynamics at 30ºC: 3 mPas
  • Solubility in water: Completely miscible
  • Vapour pressure at 20°C: 40.7 hPa
  • Density at 20ºC: 0.79 g/cm3


  • Minimum richness (C.G.): 99,5%
  • Identity: IR compliant test
  • Distillation range (>95% dest.): 81-83ºC
  • Freezing point: >25°C

Maximum limit for impurities

APHA colour: 20
Acidity: 0.001 meq/g
Alkalinity: 0.0005 meq/g
Insoluble in H2O: As per test
Fixed residue: 0,003 %
Carbonyls (at HCHO): 0,01%
1-Butanol (C.G.): 0,05%
2-Butanol (C.G.): 0,2%
Isobutanol (C.G.): 0,05%
Water (H2O): 0,1 %

Metals by ICP [in mg/Kg (ppm)].

Ag: 0,05
Al: 0,5
As: 0,05
Au: 0,1
B: 0,02
Ba: 0,1
Be: 0,02
Bi: 0,05
Ca: 0,5
Cd: 0,05
Co: 0,02
Cr: 0,02
Cu: 0,02
Fe: 0,1
Ge: 0,05
Hg: 0,05
In: 0,05
K: 0,1
Li: 0,05
Mg: 0,1
Mn: 0,02
Mo: 0,02
Na: 0,5
Ni: 0,02
P: 0,2
Pb: 0,1
Pt: 0,1
Sb: 0,02
Yes: 0,2
Sn: 0,1
Mr: 0,2
Ti: 0,02
Tl: 0,05
V: 0,02
Zn: 0,1
Zr: 0,02

Storage: Ambient temperature


  • Chemical manufacturing or refinery in closed processes where there is no likelihood of explosion or processes under equivalent containment conditions.
  • Manufacture of bulk chemicals on a large scale (including petroleum products)
  • Washing and cleaning products (including products containing solvents)
Product Ref. Document
2-Methyl-2-Propanol (Reag. USP, Ph. Eur.) for analysis, ACS 1000ml PanReac Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS:    EN          &nbsp  
2-Methyl-2-Propanol (Reag. USP, Ph. Eur.) for analysis, ACS 1000ml PanReac Technical specifications
You can also see the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of all products in this section: MSDS


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