Gum Arabic

Buy Arabic Gum in packs of 1Kg. The order is made directly through the Web following the steps indicated, being delivered in 24/48 hours.

SKU: ALQ0107 Category:

The Gum Arabic is a natural polysaccharide obtained from the resin of acacia trees. It is widely used due to its unique properties as a thickener, stabiliser and emulsifier. It is also used in the manufacture of products such as printer's ink and chewing gum. In summary, gum arabic is a versatile and valuable product in the food and pharmaceutical industry due to its unique properties as a thickener, stabiliser and emulsifier.


Name: Gum Arabic
Synonyms: Gum acacia, Gum arabic, Gum arabic or Robinia gum.
CAS: 9000-01-5
EC: 232-519-5


You can find gum arabic in powder and lump form.


Product Ref. Document
Gum Arabic Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS:    EN             
You can also see the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of all products in this section: MSDS
Weight N/D
Grain size

In Powder, In Lump


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