Zinc Powder

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SKU: N/D Category:

Product name: ZINC POWDER (Zn >97%)
Product code: ALQ00128
Chemical name: Zinc powder (stabilised)
Index: 030-001-01-9
CAS: 7440-66-6
EC: 231-175-3

Product type/Use: Inorganic mono-constituent substance


Melting/freezing point: 409-421 ºC.
Decomposition temperature: N.D.
pH: Not applicable.
Solubility: insoluble in water.
Water solubility: 0,1 mg/l (insoluble in water < 1 mg/l).
Lipid solubility: N.A.
Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water) (logarithmic value): N.A. for metals. Not applicable for inorganic substances (column 2 of Annex VII of the REACH Regulation).
Bulk density: 1.60 - 3.20 g/cm3.
Relative density (water=1): 6.9 - 7.1.
Kinematic viscosity: Not applicable, solid product. It has been determined in the molten liquid state of zinc. The results show that the viscosity of liquid metallic zinc increases slowly with decreasing temperature (between 417-521°C) until the melting temperature is reached.
Dynamic viscosity: Not applicable, solid product.

Particle characteristics:

Particle size: 45-212 µm.


Product Ref. Document
Zinc Powder Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS:    EN    EN         
You can also see the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of all products in this section: MSDS
Weight N/D
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