Liquid Measuring Syringes - 3 pcs.

Buy 3 piece syringes for measuring liquids. This is a kit of 3 units. In 10, 20 or 50ml these syringes are ideal for measuring liquids for testing, mixing and trials. There are 3 syringes in the volume of your choice. The order is made directly through the Web following the steps indicated.

SKU: N/D Category:

Syringes for measuring liquids - kit of 3 units. Choose the capacity between 10, 20 and 50ml.

Syringe 10ml 3 bodies 10 ml luer lock
20ml syringe with eccentric cone plastipak
50 ml syringe with luer lock cone plastipack

The syringes are suitable for measuring liquids.

Request the product documentation (Technical Data Sheet, Safety Data Sheet) through one of the through one of the following ways contact

10ml, 20ml, 50ml


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