Silver Nitrate

Buy Silver Nitrate from 25g and 50g. The price of the different formats of Silver Nitrate you can see when you select the format you want. The order is made directly through the Web following the steps indicated, being delivered in 24/48 hours.

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El nitrato de plata es un compuesto inorgánico ampliamente utilizado para identificar la presencia de cloruros en diferentes soluciones. Al disolverse en agua y reaccionar con cobre, se produce nitrato de cobre. Posteriormente, el proceso de filtrado permite separar la plata, que queda retenida en el filtro.


Name: Silver nitrate
CAS: 7761-88-8
EC: 231-853-9
Molecular formula: AgNO3

  • Physical State: Solid
  • Colour: Colourless
  • Odour: Characteristic
  • Melting point/Freezing point: 210ºC
  • Boiling point or initial boiling point and boiling range: 444°C
  • Flammability: Danger of fire in contact with combustible materials.
  • Water: Insoluble
  • Density at 20ºC: 4.35 g/cm3
  • Shape: Crystalline
  • Molecular weight: 169.87 g/mol
  • Oxidising solids: May aggravate a fire; oxidising
  • Corrosive to metals: Can be corrosive to metals


  • Precious metals chemical industry
  • Fotografía.
Product Ref. Document
Silver Nitrate ALQ0105 Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS:    EN          &nbsp  
Silver Nitrate ALQ0105 Technical specifications
You can also see the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of all products in this section: MSDS


1 review for Nitrato de Plata

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