Potassium Ferricyanide Red

Buy Red Potash Ferricyanide in 100g and 1Kg formats. You can see the price of the different formats of Red Potash Ferricyanide when you select the format you want. The order is made directly through the Web following the steps indicated, . The delivery arround Europe is made in 4-5 days with UPS. In case you have any doubt please contact us.

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Potassium ferricyanide (also called potash prussia red) is a chemical compound with the formula K3[Fe(CN)6. It is used in photography (cyanotyping) and for copying ferroprusside, as a metal tempering agent, in electroplating and in the manufacture of pigments. It is soluble in water and its solution shows some yellow-green fluorescence.


NamePotassium Ferricyanide Red
Synonyms: Potassium Hexacyanoferrate (III), Prussian Red
Chemical formula: K3[Fe(CN)]6
CAS: 13746-66-2
EC: 237-323-3

  • Appearance: red crystalline solid
  • Odour: Odourless
  • Relative density: 1.89
  • Water solubility: Soluble


  • Industrial Generic
  • Photography
  • Cyanotype. A ready-made set is available for cyanotypes. Cyanotype set
Product Ref. Document
Potassium Ferricyanide Red ALQ0074 Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS:    EN    EN   DE   FR&nbsp  IT
Potassium Ferricyanide Red ALQ0074 Technical specifications
You can also see the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of all products in this section: MSDS
Weight N/D
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1 review for Ferricianuro de Potasa Rojo

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Sol -

    It fulfils its function perfectly, very happy with this purchase, I will definitely repeat.

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